One hour (60 minutes) suicide prevention awareness youth training titled “Lets Talk About it”. Available at NO COST. Presented in Spanish and English. Only for the San Benito County. Please contact us at [email protected] for registration information and/or if you have any questions.
One hour (60 minutes) suicide prevention awareness youth training titled “Lets Talk About it”. Available at NO COST. Presented in Spanish and English. Only for the Santa Cruz County. Please contact us at [email protected] for registration information and/or if you have any questions.
One hour (60 minutes) suicide prevention awareness youth training titled “Lets Talk About it”. Available at NO COST. Presented in Spanish and English. Only for the Monterey County. Please contact us at [email protected] for registration information and/or if you have any questions.
Capacitación comunitaria de una hora (60 minutos) para adultos, padres, educadores, organizaciones, empresas y grupos. La presentación se titula “Hablemos De Ello”. Disponible SIN COSTO en español. La presentación se realizará en la Biblioteca Pública de Watsonville.
One hour (60 minutes) community-based training for adults, parents, educators, organizations, businesses and groups. The presentation is titled “Lets Talk About It”. Only for Monterey County. Available at NO COST. Presented in Spanish or English.
One hour (60 minutes) community-based training for adults, parents, educators, organizations, businesses and groups. The presentation is titled “Lets Talk About It”. Only for San Benito County. Available at NO COST. Presented in Spanish or English.
One hour (60 minutes) community-based training for adults, parents, educators, organizations, businesses and groups. The presentation is titled “Lets Talk About It”. Only for Santa Cruz County. Available at NO COST. Presented in Spanish or English.